Liver Cancer Treatment in Meerut


Liver Cancer Treatment in Meerut

The liver is soccer ball-sized organ which is located in the upper right part of the abdominal cavity, under the diaphragm and above the stomach, although its size varies with our age and gender. The liver is one of the most vital organs in our body.

Unfortunately, it is still not invented in a dialysis-like system developed for our liver as in the kidney. The liver has numerous functions in our body such as digestion, detoxification, production or transformation of the structures necessary for the body, defense system, and also stopping bleeding.

Liver cancer can be divided into two types, primary liver cancers that is caused by primary liver cells, and the other is metastatic liver cancers caused by cancer growing in other organs such as breast and our large intestine. Primary liver cancers are also various types of cancer is a starting hepatocellular carcinoma. Other types of liver cancer, such as intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatoblastoma, are not that common.

What are the symptoms of liver cancer? 

In case of liver cancers, they do not usually produce symptoms at very early stage. Symptoms usually begin to appear in advanced stages.

Its symptoms are mostly as follows; –

Unintentional weight loss, weakness, and fatigue

Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting

Abdominal pain and swelling

Yellowing of the skin and eye  (jaundice)

White, light-colored toilet and dark urine

 If you have any of the above symptoms, consult liver cancer specialist immediately.

How liver cancer occurs

Liver cancer, like most of the other cancers, occurs when mutations occur in the DNA of liver cells (the material that gives instructions for every chemical process in our body). One result is that these cells begin to grow out of control and eventually the cancerous cells form a tumors growth and gradually invade its surrounding tissues.

What are the causes of liver cancer? 

As with most cancers, it is not right to associate it with a direct factor in liver cancer. However, many factors that increase liver cancer chances are known.

Factors that increase the risk of developing primary liver cancer:

Chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) increases our risk of liver cancer.

Liver cirrhosis increases your chances of developing liver cancer.

If you are searching for liver cancer treatment in Meerut, than you consult with the specialists at Valentis Cancer Hospital.






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